Mercury Retrograde made me strong this time.

Eshita Bagchi
2 min readOct 24, 2021

I know it’s been a few weeks now, that I haven’t posted my thoughts. However, don’t worry I am alive. It’s just figuring out a few things for life. I recently found about the phase called Mercury retrograde which started on 27th September and ended on 18th October 2021. Although I knew the fact about it, the realization of the other impacts in real life was relatable after I found a video by Master Sri Akarshana. He is one of the Gurus whom I follow and learned a lot. Don’t misinterpret it is not like some miracle Baba or so. He is the one who talks about spiritualism with science backing it up. Also, few Yoga practices can be easily introduced to one’s life and discipline our life.
I was shocked. It was rather difficult to accept the fact that’s what was happening then in this retrograde phase. I was confused to understand why certain situations started happening till I watched the video.

Watched this video:

It seems everything was moving back to the old stages at one point in time from where things were getting better in personal and professional life. I was surprised as my things got a hard stop for a while trying to figure out why was it happening to me. But the most important thing in life is it goes on.

I wanted to share my own experience. I want this awareness amongst everyone. So no matter how worst the situation turns up never let yourself fall apart in any circumstances. Try to find a hundred reasons to hold on to yourself and keep moving. No external factors should make you feel lose yourself.

I am a working professional and going on the transition phase of my IT job to my coaching business. Rightly said writer or a coach never retires. This is what I want with my life. I wanted to help people with my learning and experience that helped me to grow in life. It’s all about evolving to your better self and making a conscious effort to make things better in tough times. This is a constant effort and promise one needs to do to oneself.
I believe this was learning in my life once again. Things went worst but I didn’t let it lose my spirit towards growth.

Stay Happy and Healthy.



Eshita Bagchi

I love writing and my writing connects to heart. Interested in spiritual talks, inspired by Law of attraction. I believe in Grow through what you go through.